DVD11: Patience Attains the Goal

Putting Meditation First; Lessons in Patience

Easwaran comments on “The Elephant” from the Dhammapada, and the strength we can attain through meditation, as well as the virtues of patience.

Talk 11a: Putting Meditation First -Easwaran comments on Chapter 23, titled “The Elephant”, of the Buddhist scripture, the Dhammapada. The elephant represents immense strength expressed through great gentleness, qualities we can hope to attain through the daily, systematic practice of meditation.

Talk 11b: Lessons in Patience - Easwaran speaks in praise of the rarely noticed virtue of patience, and of the animal that symbolizes that quality for him – the elephant. He is commenting on Chapter 23 of the Dhammapada, in which the Buddha offers the elephant as a model of patience, endurance, and tenderness.