The BMCM Vision for 2100


“A spiritual organization is not just an institution. It is an inspirational force that will be at work in the world for generations.” ­– Eknath Easwaran

Ever since Easwaran founded the Blue Mountain Center of Meditation in 1961, we have been working wholeheartedly to carry out the mission of the BMCM: to publish Easwaran’s teachings and support people who want to practice his method of meditation, and preserve his written works and recorded talks for future generations.

To ensure that the BMCM continues to thrive for many years to come, we have developed a multi-tiered strategic planning process.

Here we describe this planning process in more detail, give you some updates on our recent strategic initiatives, and suggest ways in which you can support the work of the BMCM.

The 100-Year Vision

Our 100-year vision has been developed by our board with leadership from Christine Easwaran, the Life Trustee:

Eknath Easwaran is a living force, changing lives to build a better world.

BMCM 100-Year Vision

The size of Easwaran’s worldwide audience today shows that this vision is already becoming a reality. We are spurred on by this lofty long-term goal to ensure that the BMCM continues to help seekers everywhere to find Easwaran’s teachings, far into the future.

This vision is our touchstone, and forms the basis for the whole of our planning process. To support our progress toward this 100-Year Vision we set aspirational goals for each decade which are then translated into more immediate and actionable three-year strategic plans.

Three-Year Strategic Plans

Each three-year plan comes to fruition through strategic initiatives chosen by the Board of Trustees with input from the President’s Office. As each three-year plan is completed, we re-visit the planning process, asking, “Where are we now? What should we prioritize for the next three years, if we are to fully realize our 100-Year Vision?”

To make sure each new three-year strategic plan is on course, we also check our initiatives against our Foundational Principles which are at the root of all our work.  

You can read about the outcomes of previous three-year strategic plans and learn about our current plans below:

Strategic Plan: 2017 – 2019

Deeper understanding of Easwaran's teachings

Strategic Plan: 2012 – 2016

Young Adult Outreach, Easwaran Digital Library, & Transition

How Can You Support the BMCM?

“Remind yourself every day that meditation is not for your benefit alone; it is for the benefit of the whole world.” – Eknath Easwaran 

Each of us contributes to Easwaran’s work by living out our high ideals – in our personal relationships, our jobs, our interactions with our community, and in the countless selfless choices we make, big or small, every day.

Life needs the contribution of every one of us.

– Eknath Easwaran

We’re also always happy to receive support from our friends in whatever form you’d like to contribute – be it your time, your expertise, your financial gifts, or your own sustained, enthusiastic spiritual practice.

Wherever you are, your spiritual practice is an invaluable contribution to the work of the BMCM – you are helping to keep Easwaran’s teachings a “living force” in the world.

For passage meditators, Easwaran is clear that our regular practice is a valuable contribution: “Put your meditation first,” Easwaran always says, “and everything else second; you will find, for one thing, that it enriches everything else.” This deepening of your own practice is at the heart of our current strategic plan and we encourage you to read more and learn how you can contribute from where you are.

We are grateful for your continued work in living out and sharing Easwaran’s spiritual teachings in the world.

Contact the BMCM

We love to hear from you, please get in touch!