Blue Mountain Journal

Our short journals offer Easwaran’s response to contemporary themes, with selections of his writings. The journal is available in digital and paper editions. Sign up for free on our Subscribe page.

  • Cover image of Summer 2024 BMJ

    Discovering the Unity of Life

    Summer 2024, PDF (3.4 MB)

  • Peacemaking

    Spring 2024, PDF (1.5 MB)

  • The Long Journey of Evolution

    Winter 2024, PDF (3.3 MB)

  • Determination: Harnessing the Will

    Fall/Winter 2023, PDF (4.2 MB)

  • Discrimination: Making Wise Choices

    Spring/Summer 2023, PDF (4.4 MB)

  • Detachment: Learning to Live in Freedom

    Winter 2023, PDF (4.7 MB)

  • Honoring Easwaran & Christine

    Fall 2022, PDF (5.2 MB)

  • A Love That Lasts: Lessons from Shakespeare and the Gita

    Spring 2022, PDF (3.9 MB)

  • Meditation: From Distraction to Absorption

    Fall 2021, PDF (2.8 MB)

  • A Living Force

    Summer 2021, PDF (4.2 MB)

  • A World in Crisis: Living in Unity

    Spring 2021, PDF (4.1 MB)

  • A World in Crisis: Our Role as Instruments of Peace

    Fall 2020/Winter 2021, PDF (3.8 MB)

  • Wisdom and Compassion in a Global Crisis

    Spring/Summer 2020, PDF (5.2 MB)

  • A World on Fire: It Starts in the Mind

    Winter 2020, PDF (1.2 MB)

  • Seeing the Lord in All

    Fall 2019, PDF (1.8 MB)

  • Gandhi & Nonviolence: Love in Action, Transforming Anger

    Summer 2019, PDF (1.8 MB)

  • The Purpose of Work

    Spring 2019, PDF (1.3 MB)

  • Our Response in Troubled Times

    Special Issue: Winter 2018, PDF (704.0 KB)

  • Do You Know Who You Really Are?

    Fall/Winter 2018, PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Towards a Wiser Use of Technology

    Spring/Summer 2018, PDF (1.6 MB)

  • Teacher and Student

    Fall/Winter 2017, PDF (1.9 MB)

  • Turning Ideals Into Action: The Spiritual Challenge

    Spring/Summer 2017, PDF (1.2 MB)

  • An End to Loneliness

    Spring 2016, PDF (1.5 MB)

  • Forgiving Others, Forgiving Ourselves

    Summer 2016, PDF (7.4 MB)

  • Eating in Freedom, Training the Mind

    Summer 2015, PDF (712.2 KB)

  • Does Meditation Really Help the World?

    Spring 2015, PDF (5.2 MB)

  • The Challenge of Choosing to Be Kind

    Winter 2015, PDF (1.7 MB)

  • The Power and Peace of a One-Pointed Mind

    Summer 2014, PDF (4.9 MB)

  • What's the Point of Slowing Down?

    Spring 2014, PDF (7.1 MB)

  • The Power of the Mantram

    Autumn 2013, PDF (1.1 MB)

  • Learning to Swim

    Summer 2013, PDF (605.3 KB)

  • The Path of Meditation

    Spring 2013, PDF (716.1 KB)

  • The Mystery of the Mantram

    Winter 2013, PDF (1.3 MB)

  • The Second Half of Life

    Autumn 2012, PDF (1.4 MB)

  • Life is a Trust

    Summer 2012, PDF (1.1 MB)

  • The Stages of Life

    Spring 2012, PDF (3.6 MB)

  • Letting Go

    Winter 2012, PDF (1.2 MB)