DVD08: What Is Life For?

The Face Behind All Faces; What Is Life For?

Easwaran describes how we can learn to see the divine in ourselves and in everyone around us, and he gives a very personal account of the changes in consciousness which occur on the path to the supreme goal.

Talk 8a: The Face Behind All Faces - This talk took place on the evening before Vishu, a South Indian spring festival. The focus of this traditional ceremony is an altar decorated with a holy image and a small mirror adorned with spring flowers. Taking the  mirror as his starting point, Easwaran describes how we can learn to see the divine – what the mystics call the Face behind all faces ­– in ourselves, and in everyone around us.

Talk 8b: What is Life For? - Starting with an account of his own restless questioning – What is life for? –  Easwaran gives a talk that is remarkable for its step-by-step account of the changes that took place in his consciousness as he progressed towards the climax of meditation and the supreme goal.