DVD10: Encouragement from the Buddha

Intimations of Immortality; Swimming Against the Current

Easwaran shows us how the Buddha teaches us how to make choices that are intentional, selfless and independent of our personal conditioning, and uses a topical story of a trapped whale being guided to freedom, as a metaphor for God’s love.

Talk 10a: Swimming Against the Current -Easwaran draws on the Buddha’s teachings to present the art of “swimming against the current,” learning to make choices that are intentional, selfless, and independent of our personal conditioning. He examines the ways in which we are conditioned by society to pursue our self-interest, and shows us a better way forward.

Talk 10b: Intimations of Immortality - This talk was given five days after the freeing of a humpback whale, nicknamed Humphrey. The whale,had swum sixty miles up and down the Sacramento River until he was guided back out through the Golden Gate and to the open sea. For Easwaran, Humphrey’s story provides a useful analogy for the human situation. “We are all made in the image of the Lord,” he says, “and we are all meant to swim in the sea of love that is God.”