DVD21: The Buddha on Life and Nirvana

The Stages of Life; The Other Shore

Easwaran explains the Buddha’s teachings on nirvana, then shows us how we usually see the world as divided, and how to transcend this duality.

Talk 21a: The Stages of Life - This talk, close to the end of a long series of talks on the Dhammapada, is profound and wide-ranging, spanning the cycle of birth and death, and offers a dazzling description of the state of changelessness, or nirvana, to which the Buddha’s teachings direct us.

Talk 21b: The Other Shore - Easwaran begins with a precise examination of the way we usually see the world – divided into the things and people we like and the things and people we don’t like. This duality (often unconscious) determines not only how we act, but how we see life. It is possible, he suggests, to jump beyond those opposites – and he tells us how.