Thought for the Day

Friday 25 April

I have joined my heart to thee: all that exists art thou. O Lord, beloved of my heart, thou art the home of all; where indeed is the heart in which thou dost not dwell?

— Jafar

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary

Loving someone does not mean automatically acquiescing to their every whim. Sometimes love shows itself in saying no to an attitude or desire that is harmful. But your opposing must be done tenderly, without anger or condescension. This is a difficult art.

Go slowly. Remember that it is better not to react in the heat of the moment. Whenever time allows, don’t respond immediately. Speak and act when you can do so with patience and kindness. Remember, too, that the very best way to change someone is to embody that change with your own example.

Great lovers of God, like Teresa of Avila or Mahatma Gandhi, see the Lord in the heart of every person around them. This is the vision that enables them to treat others with love and respect even in the heat of opposition. It may take time, but no one is immune to this kind of love.

The Thought for the Day is today's entry from Eknath Easwaran's Words to Live By.